we love to give
We want to give you as many Message Boxes as you need. We understand that as a missionary, resources are tight. Our ministry has incredible supports, who pay for production and shipping, so that we can give Message Boxes to missionaries.
If you're not a missionary, but still would like to us to send you some Message Boxes, just click below and tell us about your project. We would love to help in anyway that we can!
local outreach
The Message Box is great to use for local church and community outreaches.
They're used for everything from VBS to homeless ministry. They're great for adding to food boxes, backpacks, Sunday school gifts, and any other kind of outreach that you can think of. Click the orange button and tell us about your upcoming outreach.
We would love to help!
Mission trip
Do you have a summer mission trip coming up? If so, you're more than likely taking an extra bag full of stuff to give away.
Do you have room for some Message Boxes?
The Message Box is an amazing tool that keeps telling others about the love of Jesus, long after your trip is over. Each Message Box can tell its story up to 1,000 times.
Click the mission trip button and tell us where you're going...and if you have extra room in that suitcase.
Are you a Missionary?
Our mission is to give you as many Message Boxes as you want! We have several translations of The Message Box. If we don't have the language that you need, we can make it happen.
Click on the Missionary button and tell us how many you need!